Julia Shpinitskaya is a postdoctoral researcher from the University of Helsinki / Department of Philosophy, History and Art Studies. She received her doctorate from the same university in 2016, and was a member of the research group Les Arts Trompeurs. Machines, Magie, Médias hosted by LABEX Arts-H2H (Paris, 2015-1018).
She is a musicologist specialising in sound anthropology, soundscapes, and sound studies, conducting ethnographic, archival and field research. A large part of her topics has been revolving around sound design and sound media in Russian cinema, in particular, the films of Andrei Tarkovsky. She is currently focusing on archaeology of sound media at Fennoscandian prehistoric and historical ritual sites in natural landscapes, working as a part of the University of Helsinki Archaeoacoustic Group. The group studies acoustics of sacred sites situated by rocks and related sonic rituals, in further steps recreating acoustic and visual properties of the sites in audiovisual Virtual Reality, sound installations, and digital media settings.
She has also released short films and other audiovisual demo materials related to these research activities and based on her documentation of the acoustic field trips and experimental experiences.
Personal page, University of Helsinki (UH) research portal: https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/julia- shpinitskaya
Selected Publications.
. Peer-Reviewed Scientific Articles
- « Talking Rocks, Illusory Sounds and Projections of the Otherworld: Acoustics of Sacred Sites As a Magic Media in Shamanic Cultures ». (Co-author with Riitta Rainio) In: Illusion in Cultural Practice: Productive Deceptions. Abingdon: Routledge, 2021. Pp.165–188.
- « Approaching the Irreal: Realistic Sound Design in Andrei Tarkovsky’s Films ». In: ReFocus: The Films of Andrei Tarkovsky. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. pp. 135–150.
- « Deconstructing Andrei Tarkovsky’s Magic Realism: Sound Design and the Category of Irreal ». In: Sens Public: Revue internationale (International Web Journal) www.sens-public.org. Université de Montréal, 2019. 12 pp.
- « Andrei Tarkovsky’s Musical Offering: The Law of Quotation ». In: New Semiotics: Between Tradition and Innovation: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of Semiotics. IASS Publications & NBU Publishing House, 2016. pp. 608 — 616.
- « Approcher l’irréel: naturalisme et métamorphose sonores dans les films d’Andreï Tarkovski ». In: Art et bruit: Théâtre, magie, cinéma, musique, radio, opéra, performance, ciné-danse. Paris: Ligeia, juillet-décembre 2015. pp. 136-14.
- « Sounding, Quotation and Visualisation: Applying Poetic Logic. Realistic Cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky ». In: Imafronte. Revista de historia del arte. Vol. 21-22. 2009-2010 (Edición 2011). pp. 385 – 404. Universidad de Murcia, 2011.
. Publications for Professional Communities
- « How To Perform Acoustic Measurements At The Finnish Rock Painting Sites – A Multimedia Guide ». (Co-author with Riitta Rainio). In: Taituri Raportoi! Taiteiden tutkimuksen risteysasema – Taituri (University of Helsinki Faculty of Arts). 24.02.2022.
- « Niin kallio vastaa kuin sille huutaa! » Kaikuakustiikka esihistoriallisilla kalliomaalauksilla. (Co-author with Riitta Rainio. In: Kalmistopiiri: hautausten ja ihmisjäännösten arkeologian sekä osteologian sivusto (ISSN 2489-9305). 29.12.2020. 5 pp.
. Audiovisual Material for Professional Audience
- Rock Art Dance. (Co-author with Arttu Peltomieni, Keke Lammasaari & Riitta Rainio). [Experimental performance at Vaskivuori rock art site featuring choreography based on prehistoric rock art imagery and ritual sound improvisation in the natural settings of the site acoustics.] 2023. 10:43.
- Echocatcher: Fieldwork Diary at Keltavuori Site. Fieldwork documentary dedicated to the acoustic tests at Keltavuori rock art site. (Co-author with Riitta Rainio). 2023. 8:54.
- Performing Acoustic Measurements At the Finnish Rock Painting Sites. (Co-author with Riitta Rainio). Supplementary audiovisual material for the article: How To Perform Acoustic Measurements At The Finnish Rock Painting Sites – A Multimedia Guide. In: Taituri Raportoi! Taiteiden tutkimuksen risteysasema – Taituri (University of Helsinki Faculty of Arts). 24.02.2022.
- Talking Rocks, Illusory Sounds and Projections of the Otherworld. (Co-author with Riitta Rainio). Supplementary audiovisual material for the article: Talking Rocks, Illusory Sounds and Projections of the Otherworld: Acoustics of Sacred Sites As a Magic Media in Shamanic Cultures. In: Illusion in Cultural Practice: Productive Deceptions. Abingdon: Routledge, 2021.
. Selected Presentations
- Sonic Interaction with Ritual Acoustics and Its Recreation in Virtual Reality (Co-author with Riitta Rainio and Jami Pekkanen). Invited talk: creative collaboration with the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra and composer-in- residence Samy Moussa (Canada). Helsinki, Musiikkitalo, November 22, 2023.
- Echocatcher: Fieldwork Diary at Keltavuori Site. (Co-author with Riitta Rainio). At: Music and Movement: British Forum for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference 2023 (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, April 13-16, 2023).
- The Art of Resounding Rocks: Sonic Rituals, Phonotaxis, and Acoustics of Sacred Sites in Fennoscandia. (Co- author with Riitta Rainio). At: Music and Movement: British Forum for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference 2023 (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, April 13-16, 2023).
- Hommage to Kai. Film presentation. (Co-author with Riitta Rainio). At: UHMRL 60 vuotta: Yliopistonlehtori ja UHMRL:n johtaja Kai Lassfolkin muisteluiltapäivä (University of Helsinki, November 16, 2022).
- Archaeoacoustics As the Frontiers of Musicology: A Comprehensive Study of Sacred Sites and Sound Rituals of the Circumpolar North. (Co-author with Riitta Rainio). At: 21st Quinquennial Congress of International Musicological Society (IMS2022) (Greece, Athens, School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, August 22-26, 2022).
- Shamanic Ritual and Magic Theatre: Acoustics & Audiovisual Phenomena at Fennoscandian Sacred Sites. (Co- author with Riitta Rainio). At: Symposium for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers in Musicology. (Finland, Helsinki, University of Helsinki, December 2, 2021).
- Talking Rocks, Illusory Sounds and Projections of the Otherworld: Acoustics of Sacred Sites As a Sound Media in Shamanic Cultures. (Co-author with Riitta Rainio). At: Annual Symposium of Music Scholars in Finland. (Finland, Turku, May 7, 2021).
- Sound and Music in Films of Andrei Tarkovsky. At: Tarkovsky-seminar. (Germany, Cologne, Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, December 10-11, 2020). [Invited Lecturer]
- Magic Realism of Andrei Tarkovsky. At: International Doctoral and Postdoctoral Symposium in Musicology. (University of Helsinki, Department of Philosophy, Culture and Art Studies/Musicology, January 19, 2019).
- Archeology of Sound Media: The Theremin Centre for Electroacoustic Music. At: Salon Des Idées Scientifiques, Pariscience: Festival International du Film Scientifique. (Paris, October 2-9, 2017).
- Deconstructing Magic Realism of Andrei Tarkovsky: Sound Design and the Category of Irreal. At: Authentic Artifice. 3rd International Conference of the International Society for Intermedial Studies. (Canada, Montreal, University of Montreal, May 18-22, 2017).
- The Musical Offering of Andrei Tarkovsky. Quotation: Poetic Logic for Realistic Cinema. At: 12th World Congress of Semiotics (Sofia, New Bulgarian University, September 16-20, 2014).